Pharmacovigilance and Safety reporting, anywhere

IQVIA’s Language Solutions have been designed for scaling drug safety and pharmacovigilance across geographies and language barriers, and for facilitating safety reporting on the global scale.

Because of their unique integration into IQVIA’s safety solutions, they provide additional speed, reliability and cost efficiency for global safety operations. 


Safety, at scale

The scope of pharmacovigilance is increasing, impacting volumes of data to analyze while coping with speed requirements and challenging costs control. 

IQVIA Language Solutions developed a set of technologies and services to enable Pharmacovigilance to seamlessly scale across geographies and languages quickly, safely, and very cost-consciously. 

The IQVIA difference: integrated language solutions

IQVIA brings language solutions together with its market leading expertise and technology for safety and pharmacovigilance, to create an end-to-end fully scalable operating model that brings unmatched efficiencies to its users:

  • Superior agility and speed: When safety and pharmacovigilance needs to scale across geographies, our integrated translation capabilities roll out instantaneously. No lag due to implementation, and much faster turnaround as our processes are fully embedded into our systems and technologies.
  • Expertise: Specialized linguists and dedicated project managers working hand in hand with our clinical experts guarantees that our customer benefits from full practice expertise all along, in any language.
  • Cost efficiencies: our integrated solution requires less friction in onboarding, project handling and processing. We also leverage the best fit for purpose technologies, which allows us to bring down cost significantly.
  • Industry expertise: because our technology, clinical and linguistic teams work together in the same company, knowledge flows and you can expect the best consultative approach all along, everywhere, in any language.


Solutions fit for purpose

Because of the unique position IQVIA holds in the industry, we have been able to leverage our know how to build the best safety translation solutions. Our solutions are designed to streamline the process of translating adverse event reports and other important documentation necessary for safety purposes, utilizing a combination of machine translation, human expertise, and specialized technology to provide accurate and efficient translations in multiple languages.

Our workflows are designed to scale seamlessly while maintaining quality and compliance all along.

Translations speed & quality: critical for safety

Translations are a critical part of Pharmacovigilance, and some aspects have to be considered very carefully.
Safety translations require the highest level of accuracy, as they deal with critical information that directly impacts the health and well-being of patients. 
The speed at which these translations are completed is also crucial, as any delays in communication can result in serious consequences, including harm to patients, legal liability, and damage to the reputation of pharmaceutical companies, not to mention the consequences of missed regulatory timelines for reporting of adverse events. IQVIA has skin in the game, providing end-to-end safety solutions, and knowing how much all processes are being challenged in terms of increasing volumes, reduced timelines, and cost control. 
Our language solution is built for increased speed and accuracy, while providing the synergies of integrated systems to keep costs extremely efficient.

IQVIA’s Language Solutions From R&D to post-marketing
IQVIA brings together its technology and clinical expertise at scale to allow its customers to overcome any language barriers all along their product’s lifecycle. From Language Technology innovation to Subject Matter Expertise in any language, discover how IQVIA reinvents global communication for the healthcare world.
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