Health Economics and Value

Evidence-based evaluations to demonstrate the value of an intervention.

RWE, combined with IQVIA’s modeling techniques and expertise in generating evidence, supports the approval, launch and commercialization of new pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. 

Approval and Launch

We generate the evidence on a product and its competitors that life sciences companies use to make decisions about launch timing, pricing, reimbursement criteria, and the target patient population. Companies call upon us to:

  • Gather and summarize clinical evidence for value dossiers
  • Analyze evidence gaps
  • Collect data on the burden of disease
  • Collect evidence on resource use and cost
  • Create and adapt models to demonstrate cost-effectiveness and impact on the healthcare budget to payers
  • Validate models (face-validity, internal and external validation)
  • Develop and support reimbursement dossier submissions
  • Support subsequent questions and objections raised by authorities


We create insights from real world data on the size of the patient population, market share and uptake rate for analogues and comparators, resource use, and associated costs that life sciences companies need to forecast revenue and to evaluate their product’s impact on the healthcare budget.

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