The Psychology of Change: Optimizing your Technology Deployment
Kari Miller, Sr. Director, Product Management, IQVIA SmartSolve
Apr 24, 2020

When implementing enterprise software, whether a Regulatory Information Management (RIM) solution, Quality Management System (QMS) or an ERP system, the greatest predictor of its success will be how an organization manages the psychology of change. When an organization decides to implement new processes and/or new solutions, there are four phases of change that the organization is likely to experience: Denial (resistance), confusion, renewal and contentment. Hopefully the organization will experience all four phases if they are managing change properly.

One of the common pitfalls of software implementations is the attempt to make what is new, look and behave like the old; and if this approach is taken, sub-optimization of the system is often the result. For example, when implementing an automated solution to replace a paper process, you cannot simply electronically duplicate the paper process. In that approach, you will simply build all the inefficiencies of that paper process into the new system, and in doing so, defeat the purpose of an automated system which is designed to shorten cycle times, improve productivity, reduce errors, etc. The list could go on.

Don’t allow the philosophy, “But our procedure says…”, to keep your organization from reaping the benefits that technology can provide. Use a critical eye to distinguish the true Must Haves, from the Nice to Haves and Always Haves. Implement the system without the latter two sets of elements. Give the users time to use the system and explore it. Yes, this phase can create some temporary confusion, but in time, it will result in “renewal.” Renewal occurs when the organization sees new and better ways to do things, which inevitably lead to optimization and contentment.

Therefore, when your organization is looking to implement technology, be sure the first thing you put into place is an appropriate Change Management process, which includes creating an internal environment that encourages thinking differently about current processes, even in the highly regulated Life Sciences industry.

A Blueprint for Optimizing RIM System Deployment

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