IQVIA Trial Manager

IQVIA Trial Manager supports the execution and management of clinical trials. Supporting multiple user types, and providing the tools required at every stage.

What is IQVIA Trial Manager

The IQVIA Trial Manager provides all the capabilities needed to explore and evaluate research projects and trials, assess feasibility and costs, support patient recruitment, design study layout and case report forms (CRFs), facilitate electronic data capture, and provide the tools for patient contribution.

Study Register and Cost Planning

The Study Register provides a registry of all trials and projects with configurable documentation points.

  • All studies can be searched and study Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be evaluated.
  • Serves as a collaborative tool to support initial idea sharing amongst researchers.
  • Offers management of inclusion and exclusion criteria matched against research records for identification of suitable patients.

Initial cost planning and ongoing assessment of costs to an institution are vital over the life of a trial.

  • Calculate cost projects for running a trial.
  • Create invoices for specific milestones or completed events.
  • Track all costs against budget for the life of a trial.

Patient Recruitment and Contribution

Following the identification of patients based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, consent is documented, additional screening can occur, and patients can be enrolled.

  • Randomization methods are available for appropriate study arm assignment including with stratification.

If patient contributions are required at any point in the trial, IQVIA Trial Manager offers a web-based portal, or a mobile Patient App. Patients can:

  • Provide consent and patient reported outcomes.
  • Complete CRFs (Case Report Forms) and provide wearable information to the system.
  • Streamline communication with the study staff.
  • Access all data available in their research record, with the option to export.

Study Management

IQVIA Trial Manager provides a reliable solution for designing studies and collecting data.  From study design to execution.

  • eCRF (electronic Case Report Form) builder for the building of smart forms that include validation rules, routing logic, and review workflows.
  • Easily design study layout with visits, including any needed logic.
  • Extensive rights & roles to allow for controlled access and editing rights for each study.
  • Manual data capture in addition to prepopulating from an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system including source data verification.
  • Design and management of Clinical Monitoring and Serious Adverse Events forms.
  • Customized data exports of study data.
  • Can be used as an EDC system (electronic data capture), ingesting data from local sites (either from local Trial Manager systems or other sources via ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) processes.

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