Research study: Trends and advances in HCP engagement
Mar 25, 2025

IQVIA invites stakeholders involved in the dissemination of scientific information and educational content for healthcare professionals to take part in a major new research study.

This research will explore the priorities, evolution and impact of HCP engagement activity across our industry.

The output will inform forward-looking tactics and strategies and support greater alignment with HCP needs, ultimately helping to improve clinical practice and patient outcomes.

Your participation — coupled with insights from a global survey of healthcare professionals — will enable us to build a comprehensive and actionable picture of the trends, challenges and opportunities affecting this space.

If you are involved with HCP engagement in a medical affairs, commercial, marketing or digital function, or as a pharma service provider, we invite you to take part in our survey.

The study is designed to reveal valuable insight into the evolution of:

    • Channels of engagement
    • Scientific content types and formats
    • Congress and scientific meetings
    • Industry challenges and priorities
    • Insight, impact and outcomes measurement

Your responses will be anonymous and, in return for your time (approximately 20 minutes), you will receive free early access to the final report, helping to benchmark your activities and inform plans for 2026 and beyond.

More reasons to participate:

    • Share your experience and opinion to support depth of insight
    • An opportunity to reflect on your strategy, tactics and outcomes
    • Our research is highly valued – two-thirds of industry professionals actioned specific takeaways after downloading a previous report

Thank you in advance for your valued input.

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