Enhancing Cancer Care
Utilizing Quality of Life Data to Address Unmet Patient Needs
Mark Kosinski, Senior Scientist QualityMetric, an IQVIA business
May 17, 2024

Regarding cancer care treatment, ensuring comprehensive support for patients should extend beyond medical interventions to encompass the assessment of their overall functional health status and psychological well-being. Measuring functional health and psychological well-being from the patient’s perspective using patient-reported outcome (PRO) surveys can help healthcare providers recognize and address unmet needs. The routine use of PROs can assist healthcare providers in identifying areas of concern, develop individual care pathways, modify interventions, and optimize patient outcomes throughout the patient’s cancer journey.

Understanding PROs

The SF-36v2 is one example of a globally utilized PRO measure of health status, which encompasses eight domains that collectively capture various aspects of functional health status and psychological well-being. These domains include physical functioning, role limitations due to physical health, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, role limitations due to emotional health, and mental health.

What makes PRO instruments, like the SF-36v2, particularly valuable in the context of cancer care is their ability to provide a multidimensional view of the patient’s functional health and well-being through measurement of norms and disease benchmarks. By having a standardized assessment, such norms and benchmarks can help determine whether an individual is experiencing greater disease burden than what would be expected. Additionally, interpretation guidelines developed over time from studies linking to the SF-36v2 scores help providers understand scores in terms of severity of health risk. This universal utilization of PROs into clinical practice and research allows for a holistic understanding of patient well-being. By quantifying patients' perceptions of their health status across multiple dimensions, it offers insights into the multifaceted impact of cancer and its treatments on their daily lives.

Identifying Unmet Needs

These measures serve as a powerful tool for identifying unmet needs among cancer patients by pinpointing areas where their functional health status and psychological well-being may be compromised. For instance, low scores in domains such as physical functioning or bodily pain may indicate challenges with symptom management, mobility, or accomplishing day-to-day tasks. Similarly, diminished scores in domains like vitality or mental health may signal psychological distress, fatigue, or emotional burdens.

Moreover, patient insight assessment enables healthcare providers to discern patterns and trends across patient populations, providing insight in common areas of concern and disparities in care. By analyzing responses based on demographic factors, disease characteristics, or treatment modalities, providers can personalize interventions to address the specific needs of diverse patient cohorts effectively.

Fit-for-purpose Interventions

Data insights from standardized measures, such as the SF-36v2, can enable healthcare providers to develop targeted interventions to address the identified unmet needs of cancer patients. This may encompass a spectrum of supportive services, including psychosocial support, pain management strategies, rehabilitation programs, nutritional counseling, and symptom management interventions.

Furthermore, the measures facilitate ongoing monitoring of patients' HRQoL throughout the cancer journey, enabling providers to track progress, adjust interventions as needed, and proactively address emerging needs. By fostering a dynamic, patient-centered approach to care, informed by patients' own perceptions and priorities, healthcare teams can optimize outcomes and enhance the overall cancer care experience.

Empowering Patients

PROs by nature empower patients to actively participate in their care by amplifying their voices and priorities in a standardized and interpretable way. By soliciting patients' input via PRO surveys, healthcare providers validate their experiences, preferences, and concerns, fostering a collaborative partnership in decision-making and care planning.

Furthermore, these surveys encourage patients to reflect on their own functional health and well-being comprehensively, beyond the confines of disease-focused metrics. This integrated perspective not only promotes self-awareness but also empowers patients to articulate their needs and advocate for the support necessary to enhance their quality of life throughout the cancer journey.

Moving Forward in Cancer Care

In the pursuit of comprehensive cancer care, addressing unmet needs is an essential component in patient care. The application of PROs provides a valuable ally in this endeavor, offering a holistic assessment of patients' HRQoL and illuminating areas of concern that may otherwise go unnoticed. By leveraging whole person insights to improve interventions, empower patients, and optimize outcomes, healthcare providers can forge a path towards enhanced well-being and resilience to challenges faced during and after an initial cancer diagnosis.

To learn more about PROs in oncology and commonly used IQVIA instruments access our Guide: Navigating Cancer Care with Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs).

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