IQVIA is using vast quantities of data in powerful new ways. See how we can help you tap into information from past trials, patient reported outcomes and other sources to accelerate your research.
Obesity, a pervasive global health challenge, transcends borders, impacting millions with profound consequences on their well-being and quality of life. Its prevalence has been increasing over the past few decades, especially in Asia and Europe. World Health Organization's data from 2016 paints a stark picture, revealing that nearly 2 billion adults were overweight, with 650 million classified as obese. This poses an escalating burden on healthcare systems worldwide, fostering the rise of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular issues.
Obesity is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires effective and sustainable solutions. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to prevent and treat obesity. Different regions grapple with unique challenges and opportunities, necessitating innovative and sustainable solutions tailored to the specific needs of diverse populations. As new and innovative treatments for obesity become available, there is a need to further understand and generate up to date evidence on the epidemiologic landscape and impact of overweight and obesity in adults.
As we delve into this multi-country analysis, conducted by IQVIA's Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) team, we unearth a treasure trove of insights gleaned from real-world data. This analysis spans seven countries across Europe, the UK, Australia, and Japan, incorporating Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and claims data of roughly 83 million patients, to explore the intricate web of obesity's prevalence, its nuances, and the impact on individuals, societies, and healthcare systems.
In conclusion, as we unravel the layers of obesity's impact on a global scale, our commitment to leveraging real-world evidence grows stronger. Through a nuanced lens, we strive to bridge gaps in understanding, fostering a future where healthcare responses to obesity are as diverse as the individuals it affects.
IQVIA is using vast quantities of data in powerful new ways. See how we can help you tap into information from past trials, patient reported outcomes and other sources to accelerate your research.
Tap into evidence networks in oncology, neurology, immunology, and other therapy areas to enrich your studies.
See how observational health data sciences and informatics (OHDSI), a research collaborative with a global footprint, can expand data access and reduce cost of ownership.