Health Research Space

IQVIA Health Research Space

A direct-to-patient data collection and engagement platform that enables a seamless experience for participants in real world research 

What is IQVIA Health Research Space?

IQVIA’s Health Research Space platform is designed to meet the needs of real world direct-to-patient decentralized studies by providing an intuitive, all-in-one digital platform to support high-quality data collection and engagement with patients and / or their caregivers.

Collect data directly from patients in a consented and compliant way

Enable data sharing across providers while ensuring patient privacy.

  • Patient Reported Outcome (PRO): instruments
  • Surveys: including baseline and adhoc
  • Diaries
  • Questionnaires
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR): authorized by participants

Increase patient engagement and retention in your study

  • Bring your own device: Browser-based access for computers and smartphones, including iOS and Android smartphone apps.
  • Self-onboarding and e-consent: Intuitive process to enable patient self-enrolment
  • Engagement workflows: System-generated notifications, alerts and content provisioning
  • Virtual site integration: Supports reactive and proactive engagement and telehealth visit scheduling with virtual site staff
  • Patient rewards: Participants can earn points for completing study tasks and self-administer payments and / or charitable donations

Stay up-to-date on progress of your study and identify areas for additional actions early

  • Study monitoring and reporting: Near real-time monitoring of enrolment, task compliance and drop-out
  • Track progress and initiate actions: Integration with virtual site services to monitor individual patient data and enable follow-up

Stick to your timelines while ensuring data quality and integrity

  • Quality Management: Integration with data management to ensure end-to-end data quality and integrity
  • Configuration: Integrated with standard operational processes to ensure timely and effective design and deployment

For study participants

For sponsors

For Patient Organizations

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