Primary Intelligence

Discover new research insights powered by secondary data and analytics.

Integrated solutions from IQVIA streamline qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. So you have the detail you want to see what you need.

Purpose-built research solutions

IQVIA research teams bring together a wide range of data assets, research methodologies, advanced analytics and deep domain expertise, including.

Plan, Assess and Track

IQVIA Primary Intelligence Solutions - Primary market research (PMR)


AI-Enabled Benchmarking: Transforming Performance Measurement for Pharmaceutical Brands

AI-enabled benchmarking is transforming how pharmaceutical brands measure performance by providing more reliable, contextual, and actionable insights. Companies that embrace these advanced benchmarking capabilities will be better positioned to optimize their launch strategies and drive sustained market performance.

On-Demand Webinar

Increasing Brand Success with AI enabled ATU Benchmarking

Learn how IQVIA's Market Research ATU Benchmark System provides connected intelligence to improve decision making.


IQVIA's Market Research ATU Benchmark System: AI-enabled for Brand Success

Many pharmaceutical companies struggle with setting realistic key performance indicators (KPIs) and understanding their progress across product lifecycles. IQVIA’s Market Research ATU Benchmark System addresses this challenge by offering data-driven insights into pre-launch and post-launch performance.

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